Our daily programming offers "The Alan Nathan Show" (formerly "Battle Line w/Alan Nathan") airing live from 5-7pm (drivetime) with stations delay-broadcasting with XDS from 8-10pm and 2-4am (overnights). Additionally, the weekend "Alan Nathan Show" airs Saturdays from 6-7pm and Sundays 3-4am ET.
Our gathering weekend programming is also quite formidable with entertaining and experienced talent. In truth, our pending Saturday and Sunday programs are where the trailblazers make tomorrow’s radio available today.
These are independent producers and hosts with a new mission. From the political to the funny to the bold, more voices are challenging conventions from all spectrums of life – public and private. Their market potential is vast and perfect for all vestiges of new media – including what’s on-the-dial because radio has always epitomized the counter-conventional.
OPPORTUNITY: Are you a veteran host or an aspiring one? Do you have a professional track record in a valid expertise? Providing you’re accomplished in a field offering societal impact, we’re probably the entranceway for which you’ve been searching. Not everyone can prevail in talk entertainment; however, those excelling in one discipline or another naturally enjoy a running start.
Here’s the secret to knowing whether or not you’ll be able to cut it. If you can meet the solvency standards necessary to justify your existence, congratulations, you’re a success. What helps you meet those standards? Having an act folks want. If you’ve already had success in your current specialty, then odds are that such success is transferable. We’d like to see if you have it.
Currently, there’s much frustration surrounding old media’s resistance to new media, and it’s a conflict getting resolved by fresh directions from innovative voices – both experienced and new.
So, whether you’re a local host wishing to branch out, one coming back to the fold with a new agenda or an expert wishing to expand his or her platform, find out if we’re the right fit for you. Contact Jane Silk or Alan Nathan