The Democrats who think the vaccine is our salvation, need to get tested to see if their brains are functioning!
Just picked this up from the news site ZeroHedge:
“A national poll has found that forty-five percent of likely Democratic voters would be ok with the government “requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.”
The figure was registered by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute, which also found that a MAJORITY “Fifty-nine percent of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.”
The survey also found that 48 percent of Democratic voters “think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.”
Given that the benchmark for ‘questioning’ the efficacy of vaccines appears to now be saying anything other than what the government tells you, a lot of people would be facing criminal charges.
Wow. The majority of Democrats say they want every unvaccinated person to remain forcibly confined.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) January 16, 2022
The survey found some other crazy suggestions with a startling percentage of Democrat voters in agreement.
Rasmussen notes “Forty-seven percent of Democrats favor a government tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.”
The pollster added that “Twenty-nine percent of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.”
There’s no mass formation psychosis though. That’s a conspiracy theory.
The notion of COVID camps may seem far fetched, but as previously noted, it was discussed in a COVID-19 planning document called Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings and was originally published on the CDC’s official website on July 26, 2020.
COVID quarantine camps are also in operation in Australia.”