Silk Summary:
We know the FBI planted pipe bombs. We posted pictures and whistleblower testimony to that fact!
We also know, at least 3 months before January 6th, a planned attack was going to be happening in DC, hopefully to put Trump in the middle of what the opposition party calls an attempt to overturn the election.
The problem with all the indictments and this theory is, under our Constitution, we have the right, or a President has a right to question the validity of an election. We know for a fact that there were problems in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and smaller issues in states like New Hampshire, Nevada, New Mexico and others. Whether these illegal, fraudulent ballots would have overturned the election, we don’t know, as the Left made sure the courts and media were on their side!
There was NO insurrection January 6th, again, it was the lunatic left who made sure it would be the narrative going forward and indictments would happen. Another hoax, like the $66 million Mueller investigation, the Ukraine call, and the other false accusations made by the democRATS!
Americans have been getting duped ever since Obama took office with the help of the WEF, the elitist here in this country and the media. We have a division that was started by that former President from day one when he called the police stupid for going to a house they were called to, because a neighbor thought someone was breaking in.
Obama and Hillary gave a “reset” to Russia, when clearly the ones who needed it was America!