Silk Summary:
Harris couldn’t have picked a more sympatico running mate. He is as progressive as she is backing FREE healthcare, benefits, college tuition for illegal immigrants in his State. No wonder the weight of all this free stuff is a burden on American taxpayers in that state and everywhere. Since any Federal monies going to that state, comes from us!
Just so we understand each other, EVERY DIME THAT IS GIVEN AWAY COMES FROM TAXES WE THE PEOPLE AND OUR COMPANIES PAY TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. They are supposed to be guardians, stewards of our money. Instead, we are MINTING millionaires in our Congress and Senate at rates we have never seen. So much for going into public service, which was never a money maker endeavor until lawmakers found a way to cheat Americans, give money to donors, companies who give back to lawmaker through another means.
This is why we need to stop the progressive train from getting to the ulitmate destination…The People House!