Silk Summary:
This questionable president has sold access to this country for decades and will leave office with no accountability! What kind of system is this? It’s OK to falsify information on your opposition, spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars over a decade trying to indict said opposition and in the last 4 years with an intensity like no other! Is it because the Biden/Harris crimes wouldn’t be noticed if the country was focused on Trump? All these years since the Hunter Biden laptop was introduced with ALL it’s depravity and information straight from the horse’s mouth and the dude gets to walk free!
There is something greatly wrong in my opinion with this picture, when we ALLOW our presidents to pardon the most egregious crimes against our country and others while they have flaunted it in our faces for years! Should someone get pardoned when we know they sold access to this country? Shouldn’t that be something NO ONE gets pardoned for?

Lame-duck pardon, broken promise: Biden leaves a legacy of corruption