Silk Summary:
Wow, hypocrisy at its finest with Obama’s speech. Does he think his grey flecked hair makes him any more believable than when he was president?
His statement below explains EXACTLY what was done and has been done under his and Biden administration! Does he think everyone in this country is illiterate and stupid? Does he think we are the scarecrow from Wizard of Oz and don’t have a brain?
“if “one side” attempts to cement “a permanent grip on power” through “suppressing votes,” “politicizing” the military or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, “a line has been crossed.”
The best thing this divider and past president can do, is stay away from the public eye and keep his racist, divisive rhetoric to himself!

‘Take a seat’: Obama ripped for being on ‘high horse’ during first post-election speech