Across the Blogs of The Daily Kos and Media Matters, as well as commentary sections in publications throughout the country, academically impaired hard-Lefties (not to be confused with Liberals) are universally denying the existence of the Deep State. Their reasoning is understandable because verifiably exposing the Deep State delegitimizes a preponderance of their defenses.
Most troubling to them is that much of the reporting on the Deep State emanates from progressive mainstream publications such as the Washington Post and Bloomberg News. Accordingly, there’s no credible way for them to assert that their own preferred publications are making it up. Please note the following:
The Washington Post
“Resistance from within: Federal workers push back against Trump,”
By Juliet Eilperin, Lisa Rein and Marc Fisher | January 31, 2017
Here are some connecting excerpts:
There’s another level of resistance to the new president that is less visible and potentially more troublesome to the administration: a growing wave of opposition from the federal workers charged with implementing any new president’s agenda.
Less than two weeks into Trump’s administration, federal workers are in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can do to push back against the new president’s initiatives. Some federal employees have set up social media accounts to anonymously leak word of changes that Trump appointees are trying to make.” -END-
Bloomberg News:
Washington Bureaucrats Are Quietly Working to Undermine Trump’s Agenda
“Across the government, career staffers are finding ways to continue old policies, sometimes just by renaming a project,”
By Christopher Flavelle and Benjamin Bain | December 18, 2017
Here are some connecting excerpts:
“Everything coming out of NOAA does not reflect this administration,” said David Schnare, a retired lawyer for an industry-backed think tank who served on Trump’s transition team and is skeptical about climate change. “It reflects the last one.”
That’s true across the government as some of the roughly two million career staff have found ways to obstruct, slow down or simply ignore their new leader, the president. -END-
In between, both The Hill and Politico ran similar stories: The Hill’s was, “Trump White House Clashes with Resistant Civil Servants,” while Politico’s was, “Federal Workers Turn to Encryption to Thwart Trump – Agency employees are turning to Signal and other incognito forms of communication to express their dissent.” And there are a ton of others, so only the bad-faith or intellectually bereft can any longer deny that there is a government Deep State, and that it needs to be spayed and neutered.
However, what is the cause for this entrenched malady in our government, and what might be the remedy for this otherwise avoidable debacle?
Unbeknownst to many is a Supreme Court case that occurred in 1985 called “Cleveland Board of Education vs Loudermill. Now to avoid any eye-glazing moments, let me cut to the chase.
In this case, the high court found that folks who have public sector jobs get to call those jobs “property.” By calling those jobs property, the justices were able to complete a word-association bridge of alleged legitimacy by saying ‘Well, now that we’ve called your public sector jobs property, your employment is consequently protected under the 5th and 14th Amendments entitling you to “due process rights” when facing termination – the same standard of process rights you’d have if accused of committing a crime.
After all, the Constitution says that you can’t “be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” But how the hell does a government job equal property when that government worker doesn’t have the power to do with that job the things he can actually do with property?
He can’t sell it, borrow against it or buy someone else’s government job. And lets be candid, unless an employee is meaningfully tethered to possible termination for poor job performance, we have no way to effectively leverage improvement in said job performance.
That is why government employees are so uniquely insulated from accountability for shoddy work, and rudeness to taxpaying customers, whenever assistance is rightfully deserved. It’s additionally the reason we’ve had little success in removing so many who were responsbile for the deaths of hundreds of veterans stranded on fake waiting lists at the VA.
Will Congress and Trump do something about writing another law to cancel out this insanity behind the 1985 Supreme Court’s ruling that turned all non-government employees into second class citizens?
How many more harmed citizens must pile up before we get our leaders to resolve this monstrously iniquitous ruling?