Silk Summary:
It seems newly minted Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk! Any surprise that she has settled on hypocrisy, quite like a lot of her fellow lawmakers!
First, the Congresswoman was fined from the State of New York for not paying Workers Compensation taxes to the State for workers of her campaign for a month last year.
She also lamented that the Bronx, NY cafe she worked in, has been closed due to higher minimum wage, which the Congresswoman championed along with saying she is for the workers. The owners of that cafe stated that the area has high rents and with the new mandatory wage hikes, it makes it impossible to keep their doors open. 150 lost their job in that cafe that closed.
Next, Cortez, said in solidarity of the shutdown, lawmakers should stand tall with furlough workers and not accept their paychecks. She also said, Congress should; ‘have some integrity’ regarding this issue.
Low and behold, no comment on whether she is forgoing her check. When asked by the media if she is donating her pay, she told a reporter,” I gotta run”. While 13+ lawmakers actually said they would not, freshman Cortez won’t say a word.
It’s strange for someone who never gets tired of spewing socialist ideals to the media, but this time, she has avoided answering the NY Post, The Daily Mail or any media questions on this issue of her taking a paycheck. Her silence speaks volumes!