Over the weekend, NY Governor, Andrew Cuomo, praised the President for his handling of this virus during a time, unprecedented in our history!
“He’s done it quickly and he’s done it efficiently”.
California Governor, Gavin Newsom said: “Every single direct request that [Trump] was capable of meeting, he has met. We have the USNS Mercy in California because of his direct intervention and support.”
“I can only speak for myself but I have to be complimentary. Otherwise, I would simply be lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say.”
“And I hope that continues but this has been a remarkable moment where we’ve at least been able to rise above that partisanship.”
Newsom also pointed specifically to Trump’s support in getting the USNS Mercy, which docked in Los Angeles late in March.
There has been SO much negative coverage of Trump from celebrities, lawmakers and others who just don’t like this President! There is NOT one person who is leveling these comments that can point to a time or another President, in modern times, other than Bush, for 9-11, that we have had a time in which, this country has almost, completely, come to a standstill! No one can speak from experience just “what if” or “If I were”.
Liking Trump is NOT a measure of his job performance. Liking Trump doesn’t have squat to do with running this country!
The rabid Left, Socialist Democrats, want to use this time to push a Green agenda while Americans aren’t looking. They want to shove down our throats at any cost, their visions without being elected to do so!
If Americans had wanted their vision, they would have voted for it. Last elections, from 2016, 2018, we had over 16 million mail in bailouts, mishandled, which never made it to tabulation! Add to that FACT there was around 3 million illegal immigrants voting and you have an election that is unstable, unfair!
Yet despite all that, this country voted for Trump, based on the fact he talked like them and was not an elite politician who promised so much, for so long and never quite delivered the important stuff!
This has been the only President in modern times to hold NATO accountable and make the other nations pay their fair share. For too long, America was footing the majority stake and we sure as hell were not getting anything much for that contribution.
NAFTA, same thing. Our country was paying higher tariffs and taxes while the other countries in the compact, were reaping the benefits!
It’s time we had someone who is not afraid to stand up to thugs from other countries or better yet, from our own!
Liking Trump, should NEVER be a factor in choice. What should be a factor, is how are you personally faring. Your family? Not your friends or social media companions. Are they paying your bills? Taking care of your family? Are you better off now than before. Of course, the Coronavirus has changed all our worlds, so, we all have to wait to see, how this next chapter in our lives plays out with this President.