Before you pass it over, read it and think what it all means!
Our government is not what they pretend to be!
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry , Sep 11 , 2021 10:51 PM
Twenty years ago, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that killed
some 3,000 Americans, was a psychological shock comparable to Imperial
Japan’s surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941, that bludgeoned the United States into World War II.
Both 9/11 and Pearl Harbor resulted, to put it kindly, from profound
failures in military intelligence and strategic imagination. To put it less
kindly, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor happened because of arrogance, complacency,
and willful blindness in Washington.
Pearl Harbor surprised Washington elites and experts. Imperial Japan was
supposed to be deterred by a U.S. oil embargo, by forward deploying the
Pacific Fleet from San Diego to Hawaii, and Japanese aircraft carriers were
not supposed to sink U.S. battleships-it had never been done before.
9/11 surprised Washington elites and experts. Terrorists were supposed to be
deterred from attacking the U.S. homeland, and airliners were not supposed
to be hijacked and flown into buildings-it had never been done before.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, Washington elites and experts were shocked into
“out of the box thinking” about unprecedented threats. Pearl Harbor spurred
invention of the A-bomb. 9/11 raised legitimate fears about “WMD
terrorism”-the use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons of mass
destruction in the U.S. homeland.
Twenty years after 9/11, arrogance, complacency, and willful blindness have
returned to Washington, setting-up the U.S. and its allies for a wide range
of possible unpleasant surprises-including WMD terrorism.
Twenty years after 9/11, the Afghanistan debacle displays a scale of
incompetence in the White House and Pentagon that-in the context of
similarly bungled U.S. superpower responsibilities in Europe, Asia, or the
Middle East-could kill millions.
Twenty years after 9/11, the Taliban control Afghanistan where they, al
Qaeda, ISIS-K, and other terrorists will again have a national base for
worldwide operations, as they did twenty years ago, except now armed with
two more decades of resentment against the U.S., and stockpiles of
sophisticated U.S. arms.
Twenty years after 9/11, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
established after 9/11 to prevent WMD terrorism, now oversees an unprotected
U.S. border and transports thousands of unvetted illegal aliens to resettle
in the U.S. homeland.
Twenty years after 9/11, the possibility of nuclear terrorism is greater.
Now North Korea has nuclear weapons, and will sell virtually anything to
anybody. Now that the Taliban are triumphant, radical Islamists will be
inspired everywhere, including in nuclear-armed Pakistan.
But the biggest worry is Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of international
terrorism, that is now a threshold, or actual, nuclear power.
Twenty years after 9/11, the Biden Administration’s unrequited love affair
with the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA) is helping Iran
nuclearize, which is the same thing as advancing nuclear terrorism.
“Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Weeks Away” headlines an article by scholar Majid
Rafizadeh, President of the International American Council on the Middle
East: “Once again it seems that the mullahs of Iran are masterfully playing
the Biden administration and the EU by stalling nuclear talks, buying time
to get more concessions, and accelerating their enrichment of uranium and
nuclear program to reach a weapons-grade nuclear breakout.” (Gatestone
Institute 9 September 2021).
According to Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, briefing at Israel’s
Foreign Ministry on August 4: “Iran has violated all of the guidelines set
in the JCPOA and is only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade
materials necessary for a nuclear weapon.Now is the time for deeds-words are
not enough. It is time for diplomatic, economic, and even military deeds.”
However, several senior U.S. national security officials have been warning
for years that, as our most recent article is entitled: “Iran Probably
Already Has The Bomb” (National Review 19 March 2021). Co-authored by former
CIA Director, James Woolsey; former White House Science Advisor and NASA
Director, William Graham; former Director of the Strategic Defense
Initiative, Henry Cooper; former Chairman of the National Intelligence
Council, Fritz Ermarth; we assess:
–Prior to 2003, Iran was enriching uranium, did implosion testing, was
manufacturing neutron initiators and bridge-wire detonators, designing a
nuclear warhead for the Shahab-III missile, reaching a technological stage
comparable to the U.S. World War II Manhattan Project, when the U.S. was
only months away from inventing the first A-bombs.
–Iran can build sophisticated nuclear weapons by relying on component
testing, without nuclear testing.
–IAEA inspections are limited to civilian sites, restricted from military
bases, including several highly suspicious underground facilities.
–Most estimates assume Iran needs 5-10 kilograms of highly enriched (over
90%) uranium or plutonium for an A-bomb, but a good design requires only 1-2
kilograms. Crude A-bombs can be designed with uranium-235 or plutonium-239
enriched to only 50%.
Iran is building toward a large, deployable, survivable, warfighting missile
force-to which nuclear weapons can be swiftly added.
Moreover, Iran wants to preserve the fiction of its non-nuclear status. Iran
has derived far more economic and strategic benefits from threats to “go
nuclear” than has North Korea from “going nuclear” overtly.
Ominously, Iran may be forgoing the deterrence benefits of an overt nuclear
posture because it is building toward surprise future employment to advance
the global theological agenda of the ayatollahs and the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard, the world’s largest and most sophisticated terrorist
Twenty years after 9/11, Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran all have
motives to support an act of nuclear terrorism that might drive a
demoralized U.S. into isolationism and create a New World Order dominated by
Dr. Peter V. Pry is Executive Director of the Task Force on National and
Homeland Security and Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, served in
the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture
Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA.