If the lawmakers both federal and statewide thought the election of 2020 was totally above board, which we know was not, then there would have not been over 70 statewide election bills passed in dozens of states across the country since 2020. We would not have Congress trying to pass a stopgap funding bill with a provisions saying proof of citizenship is needed to vote in general elections.
We would not have states, even now, purging NON-CITIZENS from their voter rolls like Oregon who admitted since 2021 there have been non-citizens who have voted. Virgina is doing it, other states are as well. So, if we didn’t have a problem, why all the rush to clean up the false and fraudulent problems in the states when it comes to voting?
Harris/Walz want the 15+ million illegals to have a pathway to citizenship even though there are terrorist, criminals mixed in with those who have broken our laws by coming here without permission. What about those who have done it the right way and still waiting on citizenship and have paid many thousands of dollars and learned the language in order to have a better life? They should be told, you should have broken the law so you could get housing credit, debit cards, mobile phones, a place to crash?
We NOT to vote the same and worse back in again!