WASH POST: Harris is now trying to make a sharper argument that a second Trump term would be “dangerous”…
Sorry WP & brethren Democrats, but your party’s empirically verifiable lies permanently strip from its hierarchy any moral authority to attack the alleged nefarious intent of others.
Those lies include the universally debunked Trump-Russian Collusion yarn, the Charlottesville “both sides” BS and the 51 Intel officials’ election-interfering Politico column claiming that Hunter Biden’s Laptop was not authentic – despite the FBI verifying said authenticity long before those politicized intel officials pressured mainstream media and Big Tech to suppress it.
In contrast, we have below Trump’s factually-based and provable accomplishments which explain why most voters say they had a better quality of life under Trump vs Biden-HARRIS in every single poll on the subject:
Pre-Covid Trump:
– He provided Blacks with their lowest authentic unemployment ever;
– He provided Hispanics with their lowest authentic unemployment ever;
– He successfully rewrote NAFTA with Canada and Mexico while making it now measurably more fair to us (renamed USMCA);
– Prevailing where all his predecessors had failed, he signed the long awaited Criminal Justice Reform (or the First Step Act) that reversed the anti-Black bias of then Sen Biden’s racist ’94 Crime Bill;
– Despite being excoriated by the Left for supposedly alienating our NATO allies when he demnded they fulfill their promised 2% of GDP for the alliance’s defense, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg repeatedly acknowledged that Trump’s tough negotiating paid off, and that it had resulted in NATO allies committing another 100 billion to the organizaion’s comon defense; and,
– He brokered the Serbia-Kosovo, UAE-Israeli AND Bahrain-Israeli normalization peace treaties – the last two of which were the first Middle East peace deals achieved in 26 years (The Abraham Accords). This was despite John Kerry saying it couldn’t happen!
Can’t wait for Nov 5th!